writing for the public



Now that you’ve re-thought your expertise, let’s get you writing for your public(s)!



  • Listen to the “Writing for the Public” podcast (either here on the website or through the Storyboard app) or read the transcript

  • Check out the slideshow, which prompts you to think about claiming, translating, and broadening your expertise for public audiences

  • Draft and workshop your pitch (with your podmates, if possible!) and send to Dr. Kelly Baker by 25 September

    • Kelly will offer feedback on your pitches via email by 12 October

  • Review the additional resources as your schedule and bandwidth allow


important dates

(21 September)
If you can: Share pitch w/ pod & workshop

(25 September)
pitches to Kelly

(12 October)
Feedback from Kelly




Ask an expert: Dr. Kelly Baker

Not a podcast person? Read the transcript!



password: S@credWr1tes! (same as for this section of the website)

Activity: Pitch to keep their pants on

Pick a publication you'd like to write for and write a pitch for them!


Check out Kelly’s guide to pitching before you start. Liz has also included tips for writing for non-academic audiences and a few sample pitches to get you started.

Be sure your pitch includes:

  • What your article is about

  • How it fits the publication and would be of interest to their readers

  • Why you?  

  • Why now?

And don’t forget — public scholarship is about building relationships.

You can claim your expertise and still talk to editors like they’re intelligent human beings (because they are).


  • As in real life, this pitching activity has a tight turn-around time. If you can, upload your pitch by 21 September and workshop with your pod.

  • Email your pitch to Dr. Kelly Baker, subject line: SW pitch + [Working Title Here] for feedback by 25 September

  • Kelly will provide feedback on your pitch by 12 October

As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions! Can’t wait to read your pitches.


Additional Resources

If/as you have time, check out these resources before moving on to the next unit. Let us know what you think on twitter (#SmartInPublic)!