writing An OP-ED



Plan and pitch a short, evidence-based piece of opinion writing (Op-Ed) about a topic within your expertise!



  • Listen to the “Writing an Op-Ed” and “Ask an Expert” podcasts (either here on the website or through the Storyboard app) or read the transcripts

  • Check out the slideshow, which walks you through the basics of writing in this genre

  • Draft and workshop your pitch with your podmates

    • upload your draft by 23 July

    • workshop your draft with your podmates by 28 July

  • Submit your pitch to Paul at RNS by 30 July

  • Review the additional resources as your schedule and bandwidth allow


important dates

(23 July)
Upload Op-Ed Draft

(28 July)
Workshop pitch w/ Pod

(30 July)
pitches to Paul @ RNS




Ask an expert: Bob Smietana

Not a podcast person? Read the transcript!



password: S@credWr1tes!

Activity: Pitch An Op-ED

Pitch an Op-Ed to Paul O’Donnell, Editor-in-Chief at Religion News Service!


Unlike other forms of public writing, Op-Ed pitching requires that you first draft the Op-Ed (700-800 words) and send it along with your pitch. Pick a topic that draws on your expertise and has a newshook (current event, anniversary, holiday), write an Op-Ed, and pitch to Paul at RNS by 30 July. Use "SW PITCH + a working title" as your subject line.

Be sure to answer:

  • What is your argument?

  • Why it is timely?

  • Why you?

Sample Pitch

Dear Bob,

In November the Democrats proposed to alter a 182-year old House rule that bans hats from the floor, in order to allow Representative Ilhan Omar’s headscarf. No one is discussing what I find to be a disturbing premise of the Democrats’ proposal, mainly that a hijab might be reasonably equated with a hat. In my op-ed I argue why equating a hijab with a hat is both ridiculous and dangerous.

I am a Professor of Religion at Northeastern University and have studied Muslim women’s clothing for the last 14 years. I have written an award-winning book on the topic, Pious Fashion, as well as op-eds for The Atlantic, L.A. Times, Zocalo Public Square, and most recently The Conversation.

The piece is pasted below my signature. Because the swearing in takes place tomorrow I will assume if I have not heard from you in a couple hours that you have passed, and I’ll submit elsewhere. Thank you so much for your consideration!




As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions! Can’t wait to read your pitches.


Additional Resources

If/as you have time, check out these resources before moving on to the next unit. Let us know what you think on twitter (#SmartInPublic)!