writing An Explainer
Plan and pitch a short, explanatory piece of public-facing writing about a topic within your expertise!
Listen to the “Writing an Explainer” podcast (either here on the website or through the Storyboard app) or read the transcript
Check out the slideshow, which walks you through the basics of writing in this genre and how to translate a twitter thread into an explainer
Draft and workshop your pitch (with your podmates, if possible!) and send to Kalpana Jain by 15 December
Kalpana will offer feedback on your pitches via email by
31 December
Review the additional resources as your schedule and bandwidth allow
Ask an expert: Kalpana Jain
Not a podcast person? Read the transcript!
Because 2020, there are a few odd silences in the middle of this slideshow. If you’d rather just download the actual file, in which there are no weird silences, you can do so here.
Activity: Pitch An Explainer
Use your twitter thread from our social media unit to pitch an explainer to Kalpana Jain, Senior Religion + Ethics Editor for The Conversation!
Your twitter thread from the last unit. You already have your topic, your argument, and most of your sources ready to go! Good job, you. You don’t have to use your thread to springboard your pitch, but it might save you some time and help you gauge interest (yours and your readers’) in the topic.
Check out Kalpana’s guide to writing an explainer and The Conversation’s short guide to pitching before you start.
Be sure your pitch includes:
What kind of explainer you’re pitching (news hook, anniversary/festival, religious literacy, “curiosity question”)
What topic you’re addressing
How you’re helping readers better understand the topic (3-5 points)
Why this topic matters
Why you’re the person to write about it
And remember — public scholarship is about building relationships.
You can claim your expertise and still talk to editors like they’re intelligent human beings (because they are).
If you can, upload your pitch by 7 December and workshop with your pod.
Email your pitch to Kalpana Jain, subject line: SW pitch + [Working Title Here] by 15 December
Kalpana will provide feedback on your pitch by 31 December
As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions! Can’t wait to read your pitches.
Additional Resources
If/as you have time, check out these resources before moving on to the next unit. Let us know what you think on twitter (#SmartInPublic)!
Bucar, “Three things we can learn from contemporary Muslim women’s fashion,” (5 November 2018)
Moore, “The brainwashing myth,” (18 July 2018)
Cadge and Olson, “Why does congress have a chaplain?” (4 May 2018)
Renaud, “Who are Yemen’s Houthis?” (14 December 2018)
Renaud, “Thirty years on, why ‘The Satanic Verses’ remains so controversial,” (24 September 2018)