2019 cohort: Schedule and Assignments



Welcome Dinner
6:30pm @ 23 Linwood Street








Sunday, 16 June

Welcome Dinner
6:30pm @ 23 Linwood St
(please arrive by 6pm)

  • Sacred Writes’ origin story

  • Introductions + icebreaker

  • Shared space group agreements

Monday, 17 June

Homework for Tuesday

What are some reasons you might want to write an op-ed? What are some factors holding you back? If you’ve written op-eds previously, how have readers responded? What topics are you best prepared to translate for a general audience?



Getting Started
9-11:30am @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leaders: Liz & Megan

  • Land statement

  • Group agreements

  • What makes a public?

  • Your expertise (Liz)

    • Credibility game

    • Thinking big: broadening your expertise

served @ Renaissance Park 909
(feel free to take it outside if the weather’s nice) 

Public Scholarship Then & Now
1-3pm @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leader: Evan Derkacz | @evanderkacz

3-5pm @ locations determined by photographer Alec MacLean, Sutherland Pictures

tuesday, 18 june

Homework for Wednesday

What topics do you most want to write about?



9am @ Renaissance Park 909

  • Curriculum review

  • First thoughts on op-eds

Pitches, Nut Grafs, and You
9:30am-11:30am @ Renaissance Park 909        
Discussion leader: Kalpana Jain | @kalpanajain

  • What’s a pitch and how do I write one?

  • Nut grafs & bolts

  • Outlet overview: The Conversation


served @ Renaissance Park 909

  • Interview two other cohort members (imagined audience: public profile, viewed by journalists and the general public)

    • you’ll use the details you learn about these other scholars to write nut grafs for them during today’s writing lab. You’ll also write a nut graf for yourself.


Your Op-Ed, Yourself
1-3pm @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leader: Liz

  • Op-ed project’s 5 core questions

  • Structure

  • Strategies for maximum impact

  • Pitching

Writing Lab
3-5pm @ wherever you like

  • Write a nut graf for yourself as a public scholar

  • Write a nut graf for two other scholars based on your lunch interview

  • Post to Google Drive by 5pm

wednesday, 19 June

Homework for Thursday

How might this cohort function as a community of accountability and support for one another in our future public scholarship endeavors? If you’ve done public work, what sort of responses have you received? Are they similar to what others discussed during our afternoon session? Did you receive support or criticism for that work? If you haven’t done public work, are there examples of public scholarship you’ve found particularly compelling or especially concerning? What have you noticed about responses to public scholarship?



Listen to the links Jeb Sharp sent for your review before our meeting with her.

9-9:30 am @ Renaissance Park 909

  • How did your nut graf differ from the one your cohort member wrote for you?

Becoming a Real Boy on the Internet
9:30am-10:30am @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leader: Megan

  • Must we Wikipedia? (spoilers: we must)

  • And if so, how? 

Wikipedia Lab
10:30am-12:30pm @ Renaissance Park 909

  • Co-create / edit wiki pages for all cohort members

LUNCH served @ Renaissance Park 909

Risks, Responses, & Rallying
1:30-3:30pm @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leader: Simran Jeet Singh | @sikhprof

Writing Lab
3:30-5pm @ your own recognizance  

  • Continue drafting your op-ed

thursday, 20 june

Homework for Friday

How does your approach shift when addressing different audiences or engaging different media?

How can you claim your expertise in public? Why does public scholarship on religion matter? How can your expertise contribute to that significance?



9-9:30 am @ Renaissance Park 909 

  • How do you understand being a scholar in public?

  • What kind of support can you envision needing/wanting in this work?

Live Work Crash Course
9:30-10:30am @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leaders: Megan & Liz

  • Core messaging

  • Auburn Media: tips for livework

Trade Writing
10:30am-12pm @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leader: Sharmila Sen | @_sen_sharmila

  • How and why to write a scholarly trade book

LUNCH served @ Renaissance Park 909
Conversation with Bob Smietana, Religion News Service | @bobsmietana

On-air Interviews
1:30-3pm @ Snell Library, Room 209 (audio recording studio)
Discussion leader: Jeb Sharp | @jebsharp

Writing Lab
3-5pm @ wherever the wind takes you

  • Continue drafting your op-ed

friday, 21 june

Homework for Saturday

How has your scholarly bio shifted from your initial submission to today’s edits?


9-9:30 am @ Renaissance Park 909 

  • Has your understanding of “the public” shifted this week? If so, how?

Social Media: Why and How to Even
9:30-11am @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leader: Megan

  • It’s a conversation, not a soapbox or a bullhorn

  • Pants-on public scholarship: do-s and don’t-s of being (extremely) online

Twitter Bootcamp
11am-12:30pm @ Renaissance Park 909

LUNCH served @ Renaissance Park 909

Putting It Together: Video Interviews
2-6pm @ Sacred Space, 200 Ell Hall, 360 Huntington Ave

  • Who are you as a public scholar? What are your areas of expertise?

  • Why does public scholarship on religion matter?

  • How does your work help move public conversations about religion forward?

Putting It Together: Edits
While you’re not doing your interview, use this time to rewrite the bio you submitted for this workshop, complete any Wikipedia work you have outstanding, and continue to workshop your op-ed. 

saturday, 22 june

9-9:30 am @ Renaissance Park 909

  • What are your primary takeaways from our conversations this week?

  • What other areas of public scholarship would you like to explore?

What’s Next?
9:30-11:30am @ Renaissance Park 909
Discussion leaders: Liz & Megan 

  • Plans for pitching: develop a 1 week, 1 month, 1 year plan

  • Reminder re: AAR (Friday night?)

  • Managing up: working your institution

  • Working your network: how can we support each other in this work moving forward?

LUNCH 12pm @ Café G, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 25 Evans Way
The café is a 10-15 minute walk from Renaissance Park. You’re also welcome to take a Lyft to and from the museum.