rethinking your expertise
In this unit we will help you think about claiming, translating, and broadening your expertise for non-academic audiences
Listen to the “Rethinking Your Expertise” podcast (either here on the website or through the Storyboard app) or read the transcript
Check out the slideshow, which prompts you to think about claiming, translating, and broadening your expertise for public audiences
If you are not meeting / completing this activity in real time, submit your materials for the “Credibility Madlibs” activity by 11 September and offer feedback to your pod members by 15 September
once you have completed your madlibs and received feedback from your pod, write up your script and submit via our google doc by 16 September
Liz will offer additional feedback by 17 September
Review the additional resources as your schedule and bandwidth allow
Not a podcast person? Read the transcript!
password: S@credWr1tes! (same as for this section of the website)
[Adapted from The Op-Ed Project peak credibility game)]
How can you present your expertise in board terms that non-experts can understand?
Have your public-facing scholar intro ready to go when journalists, politicians, etc. come a-calling!
Practice this formula:
Hello, I’m ____________.
I’m an expert in ____________________
because ______________.
Use exact credibility formula
Be specific
Pick one subject to be an expert in (you are likely an expert in many things)
No notes!!
Consenting to Feedback
We want to make sure this exercise builds your confidence, and owing our expertise makes us vulnerable. So below you receive any feedback from your pod or Liz please specify if you
prefer only comments about is working well or
are open to constructive feed back about what to improve on
Decide as a pod the format you want to use (share audio/video files, jump on a video chat). Each cohort member gets one shot. If you’re uploading files, be sure to have your materials on our shared drive by 11 September at midnight.
Write out your formula on our shared google doc for Liz to review by 16 September. Please specify if you want 1) positive only or 2) constructive and positive feedback.
Review & Respond
Check out your public scholarship pod members' madlibs! (See note above about providing feedback.)
Arrange a way to discuss this exercise with your podmates. Discussion format is up to you: video chat, old fashioned phone call, DMs, asynchronous written feedback -- whatever works best for your group is A-OK with us. You and your podmates should provide and discuss your feedback before 15 September.
Liz will also check out your materials and provide feedback by 17 September.
As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions! Looking forward to seeing y’all reframe your expertise.
Additional Resources
If/as you have time, check out these resources before moving on to the next unit. Let us know what you think on twitter (#SmartInPublic)!
Pryal, “You Want to Write for the Public, but about What?” Chronicle of Higher Ed (10 January 2020)
Givhan, “Masks Are Here to Stay,” Washington Post (5 May 2020)
this is the piece Liz mentions contributing to in the podcast