Getting Started


Welcome to Sacred Writes’ 2020 Public Scholarship Training!
Let’s get cracking, shall we?


If you haven’t already

Check out the bios & intro videos of your fellow cohort members!



By the end of this training, you should have a better sense of:

  • why and how to go public with your work

  • why you know more than you think you know (and should broaden how you understand your expertise)

  • how to write for public, non-specialist audiences — including how to pitch to specific publications and the stylistic differences between writing an op-ed and writing an explainer

  • how and why social media is so important to the work of public scholarship

  • how to develop and stick to a core message when engaging with the media

  • and the rewards and risks of going public


important dates

(7 August @ 3pm)
real-time Meet & Greet

(12 August)
activity due

(17 august)
pod feedback due




  • Join us for our real-time meet & greet on Friday, 7 August from 3-4pm EST

  • Listen to the introductory podcast (either here on the website or through the Storyboard app)

  • Check out the timeline of public scholarship on religion and the amazing work last year’s cohort has been doing

  • Complete the activity by 12 August and offer feedback by 17 August 

  • Review the additional resources as your schedule and bandwidth allow



Not a podcast person? Read the transcript!

If you’re gonna be smart, why not do it in public?


(By 7 August) Share a few links to some of your favorite public scholarship, on religion or otherwise, on our google doc for this assignment. Which format(s) appeal to you and why?

(By 12 August) Check out your podmates’ examples and let them know what you thought. (Feel free to check out everyone else’s examples, too.) Use the comment function to respond — there’s an example of what this looks like already on the doc. What stood out to you about their suggestions? Could you see yourself doing this kind of public scholarship?

Feel free to let us & the rest of the cohort know what you thought about these examples: @Sacred_Writes #SmartInPublic  


Additional Resources

If/as you have time, check out these resources before moving on to the next unit. Let us know what you think on twitter!