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Rethinking Your Expertise: Credibilty Madlibs Due

Activity: Credibility Madlibs

[Adapted from The Op-Ed Project peak credibility game)]

Practice this formula

Hello, I’m  ____________.

I’m an expert in ____________________

because ______________. 


  • Use exact credibility formula

  • Be specific

  • Pick one subject to be an expert in (you are likely an expert in many things)

  • No notes!!

Consenting to Feedback

We want to make sure this exercise builds your confidence, and owing our expertise makes us vulnerable. So below you receive any feedback from your pod please specify if you 

  • prefer only comments about is working well or 

  • are open to constructive feed back about what to improve on


  • Decide as a pod the format you want to use (share audio/video files, jump on a video chat). Each cohort member gets one shot. If you’re uploading files, be sure to have your materials on our shared drive by 26 May at midnight.